Excel Add-in

Use the Any2info Excel Add-in for quick data transfer.

Watch the instruction video

Instruction - steps

Open the app store page (https://store.any2info.com).

Select Add-Ins in the left menu bar.

Download the latest Excel Add-in from the App store (fitting the software version of the App Studio).

Ignore default warnings. Preserve the file and run anyway.

Complete the install wizard.

Note: If you have already installed an An2info Excel Add-in please delete this version before installing the latest one.

After installing the Excel Add-in open a new Excel Worksheet.

In the toolbar a tab Any2info will appear. Select this tab.

Select Settings and create a connection to the Any2info platform entering the URL below and your credentials (username and password). Sign in and select your app collection.

Create an Excel Table (Look for more Excel Add-in functions here).

Create an new table, name the table and add data into columns (headers). Always add one unique column ID.

Place the mouse in the table and push the button Create in the toolbar on the top left.

Follow the steps in the wizard.

Choose an unique header field.

Enter an unique data clip name and complete the wizard.

Push the button Send data in the toolbar on the top left.

Open the App Studio - Menu part Data - Data clips and select Live View.

The Excel table data = dataclip are now available for use in dashboards (for example a grid) of forms (for example a lists).

Last updated