Main menu left sidebar
For more info about the configuration of the menu items below click here.
Here you can select a collection (if access is permitted).
Time line
Chat and time line messages appear in the time line in the main left menu. For checking on new messages pull to refresh the overview. In the footer you can filter messages by sort.
If there is link icon in the footer of a message you can click on it for a direct entrance to a form or dashboard (or a chat on it).
My workflows
This is the personal inbox for workflows tasks assigned to you. Pull to refresh the overview for updating your tasks. You can configure and style the inbox in the App Basics - Layout and menu.
Personal setting for using functions in the application-apps such as:
Preferences for the default opening page
Save preferences
Navigational scanning enabled
Language preferences
Speak preferences
Privacy statements
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
Last updated