Artificial Intelligence - Supporting tools

AI supported tools


For the AI supported tools we use:

  • OpenAI API

The use of the API's is secured (API keys) and data will not be used for training models.

In the applications / apps you can build actions (on events). Executing these actions will send a request to the API containing the inputs and your API key. As a result a user will receive a response containing the model’s output.

We support the following AI actions:

AI supported tools

  • Create forms with AI: easily create new forms by describing (type or speak) the requirements of a form or uploading an image as an example of the form.

  • Extract data from text: Extract specific data from natural language text input (type or speak)

  • Extract data form image: Extract specific data from an uploaded image

  • Analyse image: Analyse the content of an uploaded image

  • Task: Execute a task using a specific prompt

  • Extract subforms form source: Extract subforms from natural language text imput (type or speak)

  • File search: Search on files using natural language receiving optional answers and referring documents (including download)


Disclaimer for the Use of Third-Party AI Tools

  1. Definitions and Applicability: Wherever this disclaimer refers to Any2info, it refers to the owners, developers, and administrators of the Any2info software products. Third-party AI tools refer to the artificial intelligence algorithms, models, interfaces, and services developed and managed by external parties and integrated into the Any2info software products or otherwise used by Any2info.

  2. No Liability: Any2info is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from or in any way related to your use of or reliance on third-party AI tools. While Any2info strives to integrate high-quality AI tools, the accuracy, reliability, suitability, or correctness of these tools cannot be guaranteed.

  3. Independence: Third-party AI tools are operated and maintained by external organizations. These organizations are independent, and Any2info has no control over the operation, updates, or changes to these tools.

  4. Third-Party Terms of Use: The use of third-party AI tools via Any2info is subject to the terms and policies of these third parties. Any2info encourages users to be aware of and adhere to these terms.

  5. Changes and Availability: The availability and functionality of third-party AI tools via Any2info may be changed, suspended, or terminated without prior notice. Any2info is not liable for any change, interruption, or discontinuation of these tools.

  6. No Endorsement: The use of third-party AI tools by Any2info does not imply endorsement, affiliation, or representation of these third parties.

  7. Indemnification: By using the Any2info software products, you indemnify Any2info from all claims, costs, damages, losses, and other liabilities arising from or related to your use of third-party AI tools.

  8. Changes to the Disclaimer: This disclaimer may be updated or modified from time to time. Any2info advises users to consult it regularly.

By using the Any2info software products, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this disclaimer and agree to the terms.

Last updated