Change logs
Changelog for Any2info software (Platform --- Data hub --- App-container).
4.5.0 - 2025-1-29
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where PDF’s can't render under graphical mode
Added additional logging when web applications encounter errors
Improved visualisation of actions and events in designers
Added visualisation of action flows in structure view
Added indefnite scrolling to subforms by clearing the height
Implemented resilience againts name changes of column mappings/bindings
Improved the 'Download File' dataflow node with an option to convert file content to Base64
Implemented resilience againts name changes of column mappings/bindings - 2025-1-22
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue that caused an error when updating data in a datahub resultset with columns containing a hyphen or space
Fixed issue where system incorrectly handled mapping for fields in subforms with identical form definitions when using form saved trigger or form import
Fixed an issue in the Daily and Time triggers where the repeating interval duration caused the trigger to continue beyond its configured time.
Fixed issue where numerical values with decimal part having leading zeros is formatted incorrectly
Fixed an issue that caused an error when renaming a column in a datahub resultset
Fixed a bug in the 'Create User' datahub node that caused errors for optional fields left empty and set to 'static' value, which previously only worked correctly when running the data flow manually
Fixed a bug where the 'Terminate' stop condition in the data hub node would not correctly halt the data flow when selected.
Fixed bug in web app not displaying usable error when resetting password.
AdAdded Ctrl-C/V support for actionflows
Improved usability for actionflow configuration
Added a new 'Download File' datahub node to retrieve files from a URL. - 2025-1-8
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where creating links between form fields is not possible
Added support for value linking targetting label controls - 2025-1-3
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in not loading list/tree data when a required parameter is missing on another dataclip
Fixed bug in installer not being able to copy landing page when using the default IIS website
Fixed issue where setting date action value is not possible
Added new install method for the datahub, virtual application. This means the datahub can be reached on the same port as the platform and webapp
Added new date format feature to the word merge
Added column visibility toggling to user overview - 2024-12-20
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where datahub connections can no longer be viewed or edited
Fixed issue where dashboard scaling uses wrong values - 2024-12-13
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in null pointer when uploading temp file without a filename
Fixed bug in saving client and hosting setting for a collection
Fixed bug in not sending Privacy data change request email
Improved datahub online check and information reflection
Added hub caption resolve feature
Added registration of a datahub to devices page
Added inline note for dashboarding, forms, dataflows and dataclips
Added support for setting a color for datahub nodes and optionally rippling through the branch - 2024-12-6
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where analyze audio in action stack doesn’t properly wait completion
Fixed issue where m4a files cannot be picked in browser
Fixed issue where platform related AI request fail to execute
Fixed issue where loader for field update requests keeps showing for required links
Fixed bug where browser voice recordings can’t be played on iOS.
Improved handling of select and numerical properties for document configs
Added support for subform value linking when executing create subforms or extract subform values
Added option to hide empty options in dropdown selection
Added option to translate text for empty options
Added new download from datahub option to the document service, this option is able to download a document by calling a dataflow and reading the output of the flow.
Added support for capturing failed rows in the 'Export to Exact Globe' data hub web node.
Changed bound for list field to change to search mode to 200 items
Added support for show toast action
Added support for graphical mode and advanced preview mode for performance dependend modes
Added numeric field/control properties to set delayed value change triggering - 2024-11-22
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in uploading add-on supporting files
Fixed issue where marking item unselectable while selected doesn’t reset properly
Fixed scaling issues for PDF field and control and improved rendering for complicated PDFs
Fixed issue where create subforms action in static mode cannot be saved
Improved handling of actions in conjuction with async logic
Improved and consolidated logging of form action execution
Improved diagnostics database management by cleaning up logs per collection, reducing excessive file size growth. - 2024-11-8
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where extract data from text results in wrong format
Fixed issue where numerical validation isn’t reset after opening a form
Fixed bug where attachment lines are visualized incorrectly
Added support for m4a files in media field - 2024-11-1
Bug fixes
Fixed bugs is saving and configuring document services
Fixed bug in tree not showing second level when using GUID’s as identifiers
Removed defaulted alfabetical sorting for tree fields
Improved handling of actions in conjuction with async logic
Added analyze audio action
Added support for audio files in media field - 2024-10-28
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in the 'Import From XML' data hub node where it did not return the correct result.
Fixed issue where workflow field doesn’t show history height and textcolor property
Fixed issue where date links for controls from datepicker controls dont retrieve correct value
The 'Import From vPlan' node now uses paging with an increased default page size from 100 to 1000, and the page size is configurable via a new property.
Added a new 'Preload' property to the 'Export To vPlan' node, which preloads all entities at once instead of individually when the 'UpdateOrCreate' operation is used.
Improved 'Pull data clip - SQL Server' where filtering is now applied at the database level instead of post-retrieval.
Added standardized logging for AI calls to chat endpoint
Added new feature to allow action execution on gridlist value changed
Breaking change - actions that where created for value changed before this update should be moved manually to a new updated event. - 2024-10-11
Expanded form information dialog in Web and app.
Retrieve messages provided by the SQL Server connection during a stored procedure.
Tigger text input via speech.
Mail trigger functionality.
ValueBinding for label elements.
Form links: labels included in presets.
Import functionality from a file node.
Ability to read output parameters from a SQL Server stored procedure.
Node mapping grid includes a mapped-only filter.
Send mail node - added CC and BCC fields.
Saved mappings for stored procedures not showing. - 2024-10-1
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where datepickers don’t register changed values and/or bounds - 2024-09-27
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where pdf field reset when form gets relayouted
Fixed an issue where images in the Import Forms resultset (win) were incorrectly stored in the cache table as a text column instead of a blob field
Fixed an issue related to adding and renaming folders in the Win Studio
Improved datepicker component and resolved initial hidden days issue
Fixed issue where saveAndNew, saveAndCopy and copy actions cannot be used when adding subforms in restricted mode
Breaking issues
Datepicker value changes and bounds are not detected or set correctly - 2024-09-13
Bug fixes
Fixed 'Not Found' error in the vPlan Export node when using the operation UpdateOrCreate Collection
Improved vPlan export node with a new UpdateOrCreate (by external_ref) operation for the Activity entity.
Improved the vPlan import node to allow importing both Orders and their associated Order Rows. - 2024-08-31
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where entering text doesn’t show actual text
Fixed issue where gridlist control and field don’t show info popup when icon cell is clicked
Fixed issue where inherited values from user groups aren’t shown when viewing uservariables from using accesmanagemt users section
Fixed issue where a selection control set up to filter a control based on a pull clip shows unique clip vlaues instead of mapped header distinct values
Fixed issue where various form actions show an invalid description after initial creation
Fixed issue where pinning the viewer menu doesn’t stick after page reload
Fixed bug in false bad data flag when the definition header is mapped on a Grid or Gridlist control
Fixed issue where Subform footervalue return null when subform is not shown
Fixed issue where value bindings are reset after editing an action in forms
Improved dataclip live view by allowing sql and pull clips 30 s to fetch data
Added quick copy feature to table cells that allowed text selection
Added form action supporting searching a set of files in an ai assistent
Added quick format option to JSON editors
Added support for Grid based controls to allow binding values for the rows in row click event - 2024-08-2
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where the 'board_id' field in the Collection entity could no longer be mapped in the Export To vPlan node.
Fixed bug in not being able to merge images in word headers and footers
Improved the Export to vPlan node to support adding, updating, and deleting comments on a Collection. - 2024-07-26
Added a toggle that allows hiding used resultsets in the datahub structure tree
Added improved query editor to query and converter clip designer
Added "Export To Chat" data hub node to write chat messages directly into a form.
Improved translation module by visualizing duplicate translations
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in importing a form with linked fields when there is no dataclip imported
Fixed bug in saving of highly used stylesheets
Fixed bug in installer not setting the datahub appssetting correctly for edge devices
Fixed issue where loading cached dashboards from a form doesn’t hide loader
Fixed issue where footertext input doesn’t show in overview config editing
Fixed issue where fields for form link presets cannot be deduced
Fixed issue where controls don’t show updates when value targetted by update is also set by a display text
Fixed bug in installer not being able to update the landing page if the IIS website path is configured using %SystemDrive% - 2024-06-28
Added 'Form New Chat' trigger to initiate a data flow whenever a new chat message is created on a form.
Added a new data flow node for writing binary fields in Exact Synergy and Exact Globe.
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in 'Export to Form' when setting attachments (configured in web).
Fixed bug where stylesheet changes aren’t visually updated in form designer when editing a layout
Fixed bug where stylesheet changes aren’t visually updated in panel controls
Fixed update issue where form saved/deleted triggers in datahub no longer get triggered
Fixed bug where copy form action cannot be executed - 2024-06-21
Added image ratio options to the word merge feature for forms
Added 'Form Attachment Added' trigger to initiate a data flow whenever a new attachment is added to a form.
Added 'Form Attachment Removed' trigger to initiate a data flow whenever an attachment is removed from a form.
Added 'New chat' trigger to initiate a data flow whenever an chat message is added to a form
Bug fixes
Fixed bug where value selection for list/tree/state field breaks in datahub nodes
Fixed bug in loading of incoming parameters and fixed filters for formdefinitions
Fixed bug where value linking doesn’t show previously saved links on first time opening
Fixed bug where pareto max value cannot be cleared
Fixed bug where form action execution stops after sequence ending in form save
Fixed bug in not being able to reset the password in the webapp
Fixed bug where AFAS export node doesn’t show mapping lines for connecttions with only a single entity
Fixed bug where form viewer locks after a action sequence ending with a save action
Fixed bug in scaling word merge images - 2024-06-07
Added a new vPlan export action for managing order lines, allowing the addition of new lines, updating existing ones, and deleting old ones.
Improved rendering load of web dropdown component
Improved rendering delay experienced when large amounts of subforms are rendered initially, subforms only rendered when visually active
Bug fixes
Fixed bug filtering of Exact Online data was not functioning correctly for certain operators of types like StartsWith, EndsWith, and Contains.
Fixed bug in importing set value actions for list fields with the value “No selection“
Fixed bug where mappable targets for export to SQL server node aren’t refreshed on select
Fixed bug timestamp of some data flow log entries were stored as local time instead of UTC.
Fixed bug in handling dataclip messages, sometimes the data was not processed correctly
Fixed bug in not excluding deleted translations when loading a dashboard or form
Fixed bug where graph control can no longer be cleared
Fixed bug where pie others text can no longer be set - 2024-05-31
Improved mappings for save resultset/start resultset - only valid mappings are saved
Bug fixes
Fixed bug where subform validation triggers when returning from editing that triggered change in required state
Fixed bug where piechart legend items are shown incorrectly
Fixed bug where default sorting for grid lists doesn’t work
Fixed bug setting up MFA code in viewer signin and platform profile
Fixed bug where graph with time data doesn’t show date formatted by set display text
Fixed bug in import of dataflow, newly imported flows are now also send to the datahub so they can be executed.
Fixed bug in loading of search control data - 2024-05-06
Added AI search feature to the form overview
Added AI analyse image action to forms
Added AI extract data action to forms
Added AI task action to forms
Added AI create subform action to forms
On form created
On form saved
On new form saved
On form updated
Before form saved
Befote form deleted
Added extra data hub triggers (On an event) to forms:
Form updated
Form created
Added install data hub as windows service option -> this replaced the data hub service MSI
Added import and export to outlook node
Added start dataflow node
Added set output node
Added form created trigger node
Added form updated trigger node
Added copy form content node
Added resultset edit feature
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in SQL dataclip not supporting DATETIME2 datatypes
Fixed bug in dashboard links not being deletable
Fixed bug in form overview filtering, masker textbox filtering does now support all operants
4.4.1 - 2024-05-02
vPlan export node now supports create, update and delete of order rows.
vPlan export node supports updating of address custom fields.
vPlan export node supports updating of cards.
vPlan export node now cached boards metadata.
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in displaying custom fields in vPlan export node.
Fixed bug in displaying form logging on the webclient, duplicates are no longer shown
Fixed bug in rendering controls with icon alignment set to right, affected controls:
Fixed bug in hyperlink control text not being editable
Fixed bug where a form link cannot be opened when a action flow is configured - 2024-04-09
Execute dataflow now executes for closed forms, any received values will not be handled
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where dashboard image controls dont apply correct scaling. To fix occurring issues the image will need to be reset once in the designer
When a REST API node config is tested where the result will be invalid the configuration can no longer be saved
Fixed issue where a state change is ingored when opening subform and saving root afterwards
Fixed bug in loading of linked date fields configured as non datetime
Fixed bug in color field when using empty default value
Fixed Bug in actionflow switch when using a text value which can be cast to the double
Fixed bug in media field when saving ratio correction
Fixed issue in REST API node authentication when reading scopes
When an inline edit is performed this isn’t detected as a change for subforms
When an overview action delete is performed the column footer isn’t reevaluated
When an form overview delete action is performed this isn’t detected as a change and recalcs based on footer aren't performed - 2024-02-26
Vplan node now supports deeper with level
Vplan node now supports filtering on sub entities
Vplan export node now shows the rate limit
Vplan node filtering now supports relative date filters
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in loading of formdefinitions, when groups are deleted from a column the fields are still loaded
Fixed bug in importing unconfigured gridlist control and field
Fixed bug in percentage control showing target property as Base and indicator thickness is capped at 1
Fixed bug in Vplan node, now support writing null values
Fixed connection timeout for datahub edge - 2024-02-16
Vplan node now shows the rate limit in the dataflow log
Rest node now return an empty resultset when no incoming rows are available
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in editing filters and sources for execute dataflow actions
Fixed bug in Vplan node, the node now throws an exception when the response status code is not HTTP code 200
Fixed bug in Vplan node not being able to filter on fixed values when execution type is set to once - 2024-02-09
New connection type added vPlan (API key)
Improved vPlan export collection: update custom fields now supports text, email, link, phone, address, list, textarea, number, checkbox and date
Send event validates the specified collection ID
Limit rows in preview of Import vPlan node
Bug fixes
Fixed rule evaluation for list/tree/gridlist in closed forms
Opening preference "Open menu item" allows group items selection
Opening preference "Open menu item" can distinguish between menu items based on same dashboard
Panel control border thicknes couldn't be edited
Fixed form action execution issues when using asynchronous actions
Fixed issue regarding textual mappings in Export to forms node
Fixed execute dataflow calculation and value changed triggering issue
Fixed incorrect application version
VPlan export order: mapping added for board id
Fixed JSON parse error (DbNull) in REST API node
Fixed Export to Exact Globe, Exact Synergy and AFAS; correct value for source column. - 2024-01-25
The web form viewer improved state preservation when returning to parent forms or reloading
Create form using AI supports images as source
Improved parameter definition value entering
Any2Info portal has new improved trial created process
Improved datahub trigger node editing
Nodes support required mappings
Nodes support static value mappings
File dropping support in platform
New data flow node 'Import From vPlan' and 'Export To vPlan' for interfacing with vPlan
New data flow node 'Create Barcode' for creating bar code images
'Save resultset' node has now support for insert, update and delete operations'
'SQL Server' node; entity tree extended with views.
'Form Links' node supports template form.
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in rendering gridlist control
Fixed bug in data retrieval for pareto controls
Fixed bug in saving display text based dashboard names
Fixed issue where column sorting is ignored in datahub nodes
Fixed various issues regarding advanced features used in form links
Fixed bug where instances with multiple datahubs are unable to connect due to key issues
Fixed issue preventing configuration of gridlist control overview fields
Fixed issue regarding user variables set by multiple user groups
Fixed issue preventing configuration of value binding in form actions
'Form Links' node returns full link instead of unique name.
Fixed bug in 'Office 365' node authentication.
4.4.0 - 2024-01-17
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in exporting dashboard with invalid mapping
Fixed bug in requeting data for a Pareto
Fixed bug in not being able to configure a Gridlist control
Fixed bug in filtered form lists and trees
Fixed bug in importing store template in platform - 2024-01-04
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in opening datahub designer - 2023-12-03
Added new trigger control
Updated Syncfusion
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where label and button control don't show text in designer
Fixed issue where overview actions get triggered incorrectly
Fixed value binding configuratiuon issue
Fixed form generation issue in collections with many stylesheets
Fixed supporting non .dll supporting files - 2023-11-24
Added AI form generation option to the form designer, this feature is still in beta
New implementation of the PDF field for better performance and more features
Word merge documents can now be downloaded in the platform
Numeric formatting can now force the number of decimals including trailing zeros
Dashboard control links can now be edited
Form field links can now be edited
Dashboard scaling options can now be set on the layout
Form overview actions now support the option open
Numeric field now has an option to enforce the multiplicity of the step
Adde KPI module to monitor storage usage of forms
Text area field now supports hyperlinks
Bug fixes
Disableling for state in the form authorization module did not present a message to the user
Collection icons aren't shown if the user has only datahub module rights
4.3.0 - 2024-09-17
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in setting pincode
Fixed bug where value bindings are reset after editing an action in forms
Fixed bug where copy form action cannot be executed
Fixed bug where piechart legend items are shown incorrectly
Fixed bug Editing filters and sources for execute dataflow action is not possible
Fixed bug Title for pareto tabs isn’t displayed correctly if date links are used
Fixed bug The messages in form logging in the web clients are loaded with duplicates
Fixed bug When an form overview delete action is performed this isn’t detected as a change and recalcs based on footer aren't performed
When an overview action delete is performed the column footer isn’t reevaluated
Fixed bug Fixed bug When an inline edit is performed this isn’t detected as a change for subforms
Non .dll supporting files cannot be uploaded along with add-ins
Fixed bug Fixed bug Collection designer doesn’t show sub grouping items
Fixed issue where various form actions show an invalid description after initial creation
Fixed issue where inherited values from user groups aren’t shown when viewing uservariables from using accesmanagemt users section
Fixed issue where loading cached dashboards from a form doesn’t hide loader
Fixed bug where stylesheet changes aren’t visually updated in form designer when editing a layout
Fixed bug where stylesheet changes aren’t visually updated in panel controls
Fixed bug in loading of incoming parameters and fixed filters for formdefinitions
Fixed bug where graph with time data doesn’t show date formatted by set display text
Fixed bug in loading of linked date fields configured as non datetime
Fixed bug Application version code isn’t retrieved correctly in Studio and Web viewer
Execute dataflow now executes for closed forms, any received values will not be handled
Improved handling of actions/rules at from editor startup - 2023-11-14
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in word merge when using a gridlist and datefilters - 2023-11-13
Fixed memory leak in logging module, impacts dataservice and appsservice - 2023-11-13
Reduced memory usage by appsservice, improvement made in the receiving of push dataclip data. - 2023-11-10
Reduced CPU usage by datahub
Performance update in loading and saving form authorizationgroups
Performance update in token cleanup task
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in import of stylesheets
Changes minumun rights for datahub module - 2023-10-30
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in possible double refreshtoken generation - 2023-10-25
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in stopping action execution after a save action
Fixed bug in dashboard filtering on the mobile app - 2023-10-20
Added multiplicity property to numeric control to force multiplicity of the step property
Bug fixes
Fixed threading issue in license check
Fixed bug in setting field editable while the parent form is closed
Fixed bug in configuring set value action for selection fields (list, tree and state)
Fixed bug in disappearing stylesheet configurations for dashboards - 2023-10-13
OAuth token can now be retreived using custom redirect URL's
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in send mail node, HTML file picker now allows you to select a file
Fixed bug in setting numeric field to negative values - 2023-10-02
Added virtuals directory suffix option to the installer
Added support for custom fiters for form overview, these are not yet configurable through the UI
Token refresh behaviour improved on the platform and web app
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in filename column picker in the export to form node
Fixed bug in dataflow designer, no longer possible to edit the connector - 2023-08-25
Form rules are remodelled to action flows and triggered by events of fields
Studio home screen provides quicklinks to various modules
Studio look and feel has been optimized
Added message translation for execute dataflow, validation errors detected running uploads
Added required level for tree fields
Added value formatting for numerical field and control
Added placeholder support for lists and trees
Added complete dataflow trigger feature
Added export to ODATA v4
Added stop condition feature to datahub flows
Bug fixes
Fixed issue that allowed deletion of default image
Fixed issue regarding layout with panel deletion in dashboarding
Fixed issue for parameter saves in incoming parameters
Fixed issue where system defaults to japanese
4.2.0 - 2024-03-19
Bug fixes
Fixed bug issue regarding wrong application version in web clients
Fixed bug in data retrieval for non datetime date fields
Fixed issue in overview footer calc when deleting by overview action
Improved execute dataflow handling for closed or ineditable forms - 2024-02-05
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in form rule evaluation for closed forms
Fixed bug in action execution after execute dataflow action
Fixed bug in export to form node when using textbases mappings - 2023-12-21
Added more supported time zones
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in overview actions
Fixed bug in loading menu sub items - 2023-11-14
Datahub improved management of refresh tokens - 2023-11-02
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in possible double refreshtoken generation
Fixed bug in "Unsupported" notification when importing stylesheets - 2023-10-26
Bug fixes
Fixed threading issue in license check - 2023-10-11
Bug fixes
Fixed issue in word merge not merging header and footer fields
Removed unnecenssary linked field data call when saving form values - 2023-10-10
Bug fixes
Fixed issue unable to create negative numeric field
Fixed issue datahub connecters not editable
Fixed issue where some datahub node properties aren't enabled - 2023-09-25
Added usergroup selection support for sending notifications from the platform to users.
Bug fixes
Fixed issue in create user
Fixed issue with assigning authorization group column in export to forms
Fixed data hub issue; upload file to platform (collectionid not found) - 2023-08-23
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in subform overview layout scaling
Fixed issue defaulting to japanese for unsupported client language
Fixed issue with addeding filters to list and tree definitions
Fixed overview numerical cell formatting issue - 2023-07-19
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in form overview filtering
Fixed bug in resetting list values when lists are linked
Fixed bug in placing a gridlist control on a dashboard
Fixed bug in displaying checkboxes in listgrid control - 2023-07-10
Bug fixes
Fix in prepare export 'Export To DataClip'
Fix in prepare import and export 'Import From Forms'
Fix in prepare import and export 'Export To Forms'
Fix in Call rest api using parameters (placeholders)
Fixed issue in setting SMTP OAuth code
Sending mails from dataflows now supports multiple To addresses - 2023-06-26
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in not being able to execute a dataflow node after saving
Fixed bug in resetting date value when datefield min and/or max value is mapped
Fixed bug in rights needed for import
Fixed bug in executing a REST node call, now the node asks for user input when needed.
Fixed bug in not being able to set dataclip for import - 2023-06-16
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in setting of connections after importing a Dataflow
Fixed bug in refreshing OAuthtoken in dataflows
Fixed bug in replacing values in send mail node
Fixed bug Export import node, take property was not settable
Fixed bug in not being able to delete a form layout
Fixed bug in setting of incoming parameters when using tag based parameter - 2023-06-09
Added support for Spanish, Chinese and Japanese
Form fields now support linking to date fields
The web app now supports pinning the menu, this feature also supports showing the icons only
Most of the default messages for forms can be customized and translated for example the confirmation message when a form gets deleted
The REST Api node now supports OAuth2 authorization.
Added new static variables, these variables contain fixed values. the variables can be used in dataflows and in filters.
New form action added to open a specific subform
The timeline and workflow menu item can now be deleted from the menu
Added import and export nodes for Exact online
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in barcode field not saving it's value
Fixed bug in adding manageable users
Breaking changes
Global variables are no longer supported, these are removed from the database.
4.1.0 - End of life 2024-4-26 - 2023-05-26
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in reset password feature
Fixed bug in send mail node when using attachments
Fixed bug in adding manageable users - 2023-05-24
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in loading linked fields when inline edit is used
Fixed bug in SMTP basic auth - 2023-05-23
Bug fixes
Fixed Addon supporting files retrieval
Fixed button bar button rendering issues in designer
Fixed mapping of fields when generated
Improved display text editing
Fixed issue regarding menu grouping dropping
Dataclip export and sql server export nodes allow mapping columns less strictly
Fixed issue when using relative dates in datahub node filter expressions - 2023-05-09
Bug fixes
Fixes bug in dataflow static list, tree and statefield filtering
Fixed bug in running concurrent dataflows
Fixed bug in loading dataflows after datahub reboot
Fixed bug in Export to AFAS kolom grouping
Fixed bug in setting main scan field - 2023-04-26
Added disable option to dataflows
Added concurrent execution to dataflows, this features lets you run one or more concurrent flows. Newly triggert flows are queued.
New node to add logging to a form. This node enables you to add dataflow logging to your forms
New styling of filter, sorting, attachment and timeline dialogs on web.
Added export and import support for Dataflows
Added REST Node to the datahub, this node enables you to call any REST webservice on the web
Added prevalidate option to the dataflows. This feature can be used to prevent dataflow execution when the configuration is invalid.
Added new transpose node to the datahub
Added feature to Word merge to override checkbox true and false values with custom values
The create user node has a new, more user friendly, configuration screen
Moved dashboard properties background image and outline color to the layout to enable more customizations.
Regrouped all the properties to make them easier to find
Added search feature to the property window to make searching properties even easier
Improved the image zoom feature on web, this impacts all fields and controls with an image zoom property
Data requests for paretos are labelled to improve handling results
Time trigger internal working improved. for example when a trigger was configured to execute every minute this was previously handled as 1 minute between executions instead of exactly one minute between the start of execution
Bug fixes
Fixes bug in opening wrong form after executing open form action
Fixed issue with resetting operation for Exact Globe and Exact Synergy export node
4.0.0 - End of life - 2023-05-30
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in reset password mail - 2023-05-24
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in SMTP basic auth - 2023-03-24
Performance improvement in check for changes method for form definitions
Performance improvement in loading listgrid data - 2023-03-03
Filter forms by system fields (e.g. form id, reference) in Import From Forms.
Bug fixes
Fixed issue in storing data flow log in diagnostics database.
Fixed bug in XML import node using XPath
Some datahub nodes (mostly import related) show a result preview. When switching to a result with less columns the designer breaks. - 2023-02-24
Improved filtering in Import From AFAS
Improved filtering in Import From Exact Synergy
Added cache for entity information in Import From Exact Synergy
Bug fixes
Filter by collection in data flow report
Limit records (Take) in Import From AFAS
Fixed bug in create/rename/delete folder in file source File System
Fixed bug in save file in file source Platform
Color field in Import From Forms
Fixed issue in data flow properties Disabled and ExecutionType
Loading issue in resultset when using custom query (win version).
Fixed bug in overwriting linked field value when using the same list multipe times
Fixed bug in loading control data when multiple controls are mapped on the same dataclip but one control has no filters
Fixed bug in setting relative date for datefields and date controls
Fixed bug in file picker dialog showing unnecessary message
The internal form state is not saved when creating a new state item in the platform - 2023-02-13
Datahub reports screen refreshes faster - 2023-02-10
Datahub reports screen now shows more records
The installer no longer deletes old files in the install folder
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in creating GS1 linked field
Fixed bug in missing assembly when importing forms
Fixed bug in creating a form from a dataclip - 2023-02-03
Intergrated most of the datahub functionallity in the web platform, for more details view the datahub page
Implemented new text editor for the text area field
Changed the reset password workflow in the platform
Added property grouping to the stylesheet configuration module
Added display texts to dashboard controls
Added new execute dataflow action to forms, this action can be used to execute a datahub dataflow and use the result (for example for executing DMN models)
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in showing linked fields on the platform
3.11.1 - End of life - 2023-05-19
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in loading dashboard with linked controls - 2023-02-24
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in loading control data when multiple controls are mapped on the same dataclip but one control has no filters
Fixed bug in overwriting linked field value when using the same list multipe times - 2023-01-09
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in uploading attachments - 2023-01-03
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in list and tree filters
Performance improvements in loading dashboards in the platform - 2022-12-29
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in PDF export when using ListGrids and the RequireAllFieldFilters setting
Switched to new API communication method - 2022-12-21
Bug fixes
Bug fix in editing of dataclips
Bug fix in opening live view of dataclips - 2022-12-16
Added support for Microsoft OAuth2 SMTP server
3.11.0 - End of life - 2023-03-24
Performance improvement in check for changes method for form definitions
Performance improvement in loading listgrid data - 2023-02-24
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where an unneeded data fetch is done for static lists
Fixed bug in making field mappings - 2023-02-24
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in loading control data when multiple controls are mapped on the same dataclip but one control has no filters
Fixed bug in overwriting linked field value when using the same list multipe times - 2023-01-24
Bug fixes
Inline edit 200 items restriction for list fields removed
Location field markers
Web gridlist control numeric format
Large attachment upload issue in web
Download import log - 2022-12-02
Bug fixes
Improvement in rendering webbased subforms
Fixed bug regarding masked textbox emalil validation - 2022-11-25
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in saving form authorization groups with more than 3 levels
Fixed bug in grid control date format when the date column is empty
Fixed bug in workflow field when assigning a form
Fixed bug in subform field drawing rows when invisible
Fixed bug in text area field and control, the editor did not load property in the studio
Fixed bug in studio when creating a set value action for a datefield
Fixed bug in buttonbar field when showing a button after save - 2022-11-18
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in locking of logger when multiple simultaneous calls are received
Fixed bug in Grid control chinese tooltip
Fixed bug in pareto data loading
Fixed bug in loading of field data when a numeric field contains a , char
Fixed bug in Gridlist control and field when formatting numbers
Improved the form message logging to be performed in batches instead of single inserts - 2022-10-21
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in web app not showing load more text when there are more rows to load
Fixed bug in saving a new control with a stylesheet selected
Fixed bug in dropdown control showing Chinese characters
Fixed bug in opening advanced form edit feature
Fixed bug in creating new stylesheets
Fixed bug in use as template feature for dashboards
Fixed bug in configuring copy form action
Fixed bug in configuring selectable/nonselectable actions - 2022-10-14
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in loading of listgrid data when RequireAllLinkedFieldFilters is set to true
Fixed bug in saving of dataclip settings, the settings are no longer saved double
Fixed bug in loading of filter control data when the filtervalue property is not mapped
Fixed bug in file picker dialog styling on the platform - 2022-09-29
Bug fixes
Fixed issue with deleted form authorization groups
Fixed issue in webapp for reading attachments with readonly rights
Fixed issue in webapp with change password page
Fixed issue in webapp with MFA token input
Fixed bug in platform when loading mappable control properties - 2022-09-20
Bug fixes
Fixed issue with duplicate settings when updating a SQL Dataclip connection - 2022-09-13
Added new Barcode/QRCode component. The new component can be used to display a barcode or QR code on your form or dashboard
Added new maskedtextbox field. This field can be used to force users to enter a text in a specific format. Examples are postal codes or email addresses.
Added logging on form level. This makes it possible to gain insights in when a specific form was viewed or edited and by who. The popup also makes it possible to view basic form data like the id or reference. Access to this new popup can be regulated with two new properties.
Added a default document download button to the form designer. This document can be used as a starting point of your own Microsoft Word merge document.
Technological improvements
Migrated all logging to the database for better tracability
Migrated all web services and API's to .NET6.
Updated font awsome icon library to version 6
Breaking changes
All form save and form deleted properties need to be reconfigured, this due to a database change.
All SQL clips need to be updated to include "Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True" in the connection string. This is a requirement by .NET6
3.10.0 - End of life - 2023-02-24
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in loading control data when multiple controls are mapped on the same dataclip but one control has no filters
Fixed bug in overwriting linked field value when using the same list multipe times - 2022-10-14
Bug fixes
Fixed performance issues when loading listgrid field data - 2022-10-06
Bug fixes
Fixed double control name when creating bound values on dashboard actions
Fixed bug in form authorisation when a form authorisation group is deleted
Fixed bug in loading of listgrid data when RequireAllLinkedFieldFilters is set to true
Fixed bug in Web app for menu item indent - 2022-05-17
Added zebra scanner support to barcode filter field
Added X interval property for graphs
Added notes support for main objects
Added dashboard and form support for incoming parameters
Added dashboard and form support for fixed filters
Flow module redesigned and simplified
3.9.0 - End of life - 2022-12-09
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in load more feature on form overview
Fixed bug in linked field when using a numeric with decimals and the language set to dutch
Fixed bug in displaying decimals in form and subform overviews
Fixed bug in studio when setting (non) selectable action - 2022-09-27
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in form authorisation when a form authorisation group is deleted - 2022-02-02
Added support for scanning GS1 barcodes using the barcode filter field
Added support for scanning filtert lists
Added new configuration options to main scanning
Added subform overview actions
Added copy feature to actions
Added alignment properties to button and hyperlink fields
3.8.0 - End of life - 2021-12-29
Added multi layout option to dashboards and forms, using this option a dashboard or form can be redesigned depending of the dimensions of the end users screen.
Added impersonation feature to easily take control of other account, if authorised.
Added change tracking for form fields
Added UI option to display the label next to the field
Main scanning feature now supports value linking
Visible property added to the media, signature and subform fields
New copy feature, this feature does not save the opened form but instantly creates a copy
New copy action, this action allow the user to create a copy of the opened for and allow for specific field to be ignored during copy
Performance improvement on sign in and initial start up of the app
Bug fixes
Fixed open URL action on Android 11+ devices
Chat icon no longer displayed on form overview
Stylesheets can not use the transparent color.
Sending mail now supports sending attachments
Improved the export form to PDF function
Excel Add-in
Forms are now loaded in batches, also added progress bar
mappings are now preserved when a user sign in to another account.
3.7.0 - End of life - 2021-10-13
List with mapped default value does not show list items
Forms are now loaded when the form is assigned to a user group
3.7.0 - 2021-10-01
Platform - app
The rounded property for controls and fields is replaced with a new radius property to enable more customization options
There is a new shadow property to give controls and fields more depth
Numerical filtering on dashboards is now supported
Form overview, gridlist field and gridlist control now support overriding the header text
Sorting on combined headers is now possible for subforms
Search field and search control now support auto close when an item is selected
Forms designer shows the structure of subforms
There are 2 new actions for main scanning
Set numerical value -> this sets a fixed value for a numerical field
Set checkbox -> this sets the value for a checkbox field
New form action “trigger main scan” -> this enables main scanning
New form property “allow copy” this property can be used to disable the copy feature
New form overview system field “Is template”
Added support for Zebra scanners -> on zebra scanners main scanning will automatically be activated when configured
Data hub
New REST API data driver for loading data from REST API endpoints.
New Oracle data driver for import data from Oracle databases.
It is now possible to import data directly in data flows without creating a resultset.
Form rules are now executed when inline edit or main scanning occurs
Workflow notifications are now translated to the end users language
Filter control conditions are now set in the link instead of a property
We added short cuts to the form designer
Dashboard flow filters are now editable
Dashboard occurrence parameters are now linked to their source dataclip, preventing unwanted and unintended filtering
Improved drag and drop feature when editing merge document, filter fields and sort fields
Implemented remember scroll position when navigating back from subforms
User thumbnails are now loaded on demand, this reduces data transfer when opening a form overview
The AnyService and AnyStatus are converted to .NET core, the anystatus is now part of the anyservice. This results in one less application pool.
iOS textbox place holder is now aligned correctly
Implemented parameterized queries in form search, parts were not yet parameterized resulting in possible SQL injection risks
iOS and Android fixed bug in hiding and showing button in buttonbar
Fixed Import of form with unconfigured subform definition
Disabled sign in for build in admin account
Changed the password of the build in admin account to a random password
Last updated